20 Feb Sunday School Commencement Ceremony
The Annunciation Sunday School honors its students with awards and marks of recognition.
In the spirit of a late Paschal spring, the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church burst its way into summer with a commencement ceremony honoring the graduation of its Sunday School. Special awards were delivered after liturgy by the Sunday School Director, Patrick Fuss, to the children who had achieved high attendance, were graduating from high school, or assisted in one of the many liturgical readings this past Lenten season (including the Sunday reading of the Epistle). Also recognized was the dedicated Sunday School Staff who have sacrificed throughout the year for the children.
According to custom, the Parish Council sponsored and cooked up a wonderful summer BBQ in honor of these events.
On Father’s Day (June 16th), AHEPA will be organizing a ceremony bestowing honors and awarding scholarships to graduates within the community. If your child is graduating this year, or if you know someone who has recently graduated from their respective academic institution (high school, college, or other school), please contact the Church Office so they may be duly recognized at this upcoming event.
For photos of this event, click here.
ABOVE: Sunday School Outstanding Attendance
ABOVE: Sunday School High School Graduates
ABOVE: Sunday School Epistle Readers
ABOVE: Sunday School Teaching Staff
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