20 Feb Parish Assembly
Opening Prayer
- Election of Chairperson & Appointment of Secretary & Parliamentarian
- Approval of Minutes of November 13, 2011 Assembly
- Report of Board of Auditors/2011 Audit
- Stewardship and Finances Report
- Real Estate Purchase Proposal (see Article 16 of the Uniform Parish Regulations)
- Annunciation Endowment Fund Report
- Building Project Report
- Preschool & Day Care Center Report
- Election of Delegates (2) for Clergy-Laity Congress in Phoenix, July 1-5, 2012
- Elect Board of Elections for 2013 Parish Council
- For the Good of the Parish (Sign up with speakers request form)
Closing Prayer
Section 3: The Parish may purchase real and personal property, or sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber its real property, upon two-thirds (2/3) approval of the parishioners in good standing present at a Parish Assembly duly called (with at least ten (10) days prior written notice) for that purpose, provided that approval from the respective Hierarch is received, as follows:
A. The Parish’s request for approval to the respective Hierarch shall be in writing and shall include the following documents:
1. A copy of the notice of the Parish Assembly certifying the date of mailing;
2. A copy of the minutes of the Parish Assembly signed by the Priest, Chairman and Secretary of the Assembly;
3. A survey of the realty and improvements, if any;
4. A description of the surrounding area, including its relationship to other Parishes, if any;
5. Financial statements as to the financing of the property/project including, but not limited to, the cost, the manner and terms of purchase, and the contemplated sources of income for payment and maintenance thereof; and
6. Such other information as shall be pertinent or as may be requested by the respective Hierarch.
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