20 Feb ASL Breaks for Summer with Banjo Entertainment

Wooed by charming melodies and the soft strumming of banjos, the Senior League stages another feast, bringing back a locally based banjo band.
The Senior League, a ministry which unites the parish families of the Annunciation in Sacramento and St. Katherine’s in Elk Grove, held their final lunch meeting this past Tuesday before taking a long deserved break for the summer.
In addition to an outstanding performance by the volunteer-based Sacramento Banjo Band, several additional items were highlighted by Senior League President, Bessie Papailias.
Following a call to order and a prayer offered by the Annunciation’s Proistamenos, Fr. James Retelas, an informative presentation was delivered by Parish Council President, George Dariotis, congratulating the Senior League for their exciting year of achievement.
Highlighting the momentum gained by the ASL’s constructive and meaningful participation in the long term vision of our church community, George Dariotis extended his personal thanks to Bessie Papailias for reinforcing this widespread spiritual mission.
The Senior League, in addition to serving as an outreach ministry for our elderly, plays a key role in many aspects of our church’s life. Many have been witnessed just in this past year: taking on leadership roles in the annual Greek Festival, providing outreach to shut-ins and the sick, mobilizing the altar guild, as well as spearheading beautification projects within the church.
Following these remarks, a moment was given to Sacramento’s very own local legend, George Tzikas, whose personal appeal to the long-term efforts of this parish resonated profoundly among all those present. Honoring his June birthday with an enormous chocolate cake, George extended kind words of appreciation to his wife, Margo, his family, and especially his adorable grandchildren.
Another common theme of the lunch meeting, recourse was repeatedly made to past Parish Council President, Sophia Evrigenis,
whose leadership within this community has for so many years served as both an endearing and enduring beacon for all. As nearly every single speaker pointed out that day, Sophia will be celebrating her 90th birthday in the middle of June. Her family will be marking the occasion by sponsoring a brunch on Sunday, June 16th following the Divine Liturgy.

For photos of this event, click here.
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