Holy Father John of San Francisco, Pray to God for Us!

DSC_0067Sunday School leads pilgrimage to the holy relics of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai & San Francisco.

Teaming up with pilgrims from St. Timothy’s in Fairfield, the Annunciation Sunday School embarked upon a unique journey visiting several of the holy sites of San Francisco.

Following the footsteps of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai & San Francisco, the pilgrims were brought to three sites significant to his spiritual legacy: the New Cathedral on Geary, the old orphanage at St. Tikhon’s, and the Old Cathedral where St. John mostly served during his earthly tenure.

Led by none other than the Very Reverend Hiermonk James of the Old Cathedral (a spiritual son of Elder Anastassy), the pilgrims were provided inspiring words of spiritual encouragement as they were brought before the holy relics of the saint and recieved the blessing of St. John’s mandiya (cape).

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