20 Apr Lenten Schedule

Great Compline
Wednesday, March 4 | 6 pm,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 6 | 7 pm,
Salutations to the Theotokos
Monday, March 9 | 6 pm,
Great Compline
Wednesday, March 11 | 6 pm,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 13 | 7 pm,
Salutations to the Theotokos
Monday, March 16 | 6 pm,
Great Compline
Wednesday, March 18 | 6 pm,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 20 | 9 am,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 20 | 7 pm,
Salutations to the Theotokos
Saturday, March 21
Philotoptochos Lenten Retreat with Fr. David Hovik
Monday, March 23 | 6 pm,
Great Compline
Tuesday, March 24 | 7 pm,
Great Vespers of the Annunciation
Wednesday, March 25 | 8:30 am,
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Gerasimos Presiding
Friday, March 27 | 9 am,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, March 27 | 7 pm,
The Akathist Hymn
Monday, March 30 | 6 pm,
Great Compline
Wednesday, April 1 | 6 pm,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday, April 3 | 9 am,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Saturday, April 4 | 8:30 am,
Orthros & Divine Liturgy of Saturday of Lazarus
Saturday, April 4 | 6 pm,
Vespers of Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 5 | 8:30 am,
Orthros & Divine Liturgy of Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 5 | 7 pm,
Service of the Bridegroom
Holy Monday, April 6 | 7 pm,
Service of the Bridegroom
Holy Tuesday, April 7 | 9 am,
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Holy Tuesday, April 7 | 7 pm,
Service of the Bridegroom
Holy Wednesday, April 8 | 4 pm,
Service of Holy Unction, Metropolitan Gerasimos Presiding
Holy Wednesday, April 8 | 7 pm,
Matins for Holy Thursday, Metropolitan Gerasimos Presiding
Holy Thursday, April 9 | 10 am,
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil, Metropolitan Gerasimos Presiding
Holy Thursday, April 9 | 7 pm,
The Passion of Christ
Holy Friday, April 10 | 9 am,
The Great Hours
Holy Friday, April 10 | 3 pm,
The Descent from the Cross
Holy Friday, April 10 | 7 pm,
The Lamentations
Holy Saturday, April 11 | 10 am,
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
Holy Saturday, April 11 | 11 pm,
Vigil of Pascha
Pascha Sunday, April 12 | 12 am,
Anastasis: Paschal Divine Liturgy
Pascha Sunday, April 12 | 11 am,
Vespers of AGAPE
Pascha Sunday, April 12 | 1 pm,
Vespers of AGAPE
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