30 May Stewards of the Annunciation!
The following message from a fellow Orthodox parishioner could very well have been written by one of our own and illustrates the common threads of our beloved faith.
Reflection from a parishioner…
As I sat down to complete my commitment card for the new year, I thought about Holy Resurrection when I was a child – baptized on Schiller Street- participating in the Divine Liturgy in the Church’s social hall while the Church was being built- the consecration of our parish with Bishop +Firmilian- Church School- and many other events that we attended. I thought about my entire family, always at church, always involved- it was the focal point and center of what we did. I also realized that as a child, I probably complained as well since every moment we had that was supposed to be free time was spent at the church.
As an adult, I now reflect on the fact that this was Stewardship at it’s best… an equal giving of Time, Talents and Treasures. What my family did back then is no different than what I, and my family have to do today- to support our church, our Orthodox faith and the ministries that the church is responsible for. I pray always that we can return to this time where family and Church are the priority and realize that during those times in the past, we did not have the jobs, technology, children’s commitments, etc. like we have today. It is, however, my responsibility to ensure that I am a good Steward of what God has provided for me regardless of the hectic lifestyle that I have.
As I completed my commitment card, I prayed and asked God to continue to provide for and guide me so that I can be a good Steward and focus on supporting the parish that influenced my life as a child, guides me as an adult, and develops my children’s lives so that they can become good and faithful Stewards as well.
My hope is that you will share this message with your children and continue to give joyfully from your heart’s .
Thank you,
George Dariotis
Stewardship Chairman
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